Friday, July 24, 2009

SEO Services Hyderabad

How do you optimize for Google? What matters most? How much does it cost? Let's answer.

Google's success is in the PageRank formula. PageRank is Google's measure of importance of each website. The more important the website according to PageRank, the higher it will rank in search results.

PageRank reflects our view of the importance of web pages by considering more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms. Pages that we believe are important pages receive a higher PageRank and are more likely to appear at the top of the search results. – Google

How PageRank is Calculated.

PageRank looks at links as votes. If website A, links to website B, PageRank views it as a vote by website A for website B and thus considers website B important.

Google search engine optimization is 80% about links. The more links from other websites you have, the higher you will rank in Google search results.

Link Analysis as a Part of Google Algorithm.

Not all links count. When search engine optimization professionals realized that links matter the most, manipulative techniques emerged designed to manipulate PageRank formula. In order to keep its search results clean, Google incorporated link analysis into the algorithms and started looking at:

  • Link text
  • Text surrounding a link
  • Quality of pages from which links come
  • Topical relevancy of websites (if you link to a website about airplanes from a website about apple pies, that link will most likely be discounted)
  • Link pattern and rate at which links are accumulated.

All those variables account into Google link analysis formula. What Google is trying to do, is simply filter out "un-natural" links designed to influence search results. When optimizing for Google, you have to take those variables into account.

How To Get Links for Google SEO?

Now that you know links are most important for Google search engine optimization, how do you get links from other websites? How do you make other website owners link to you?

Here are a few link building methods to get you started with Google SEO.

  • Create articles that will be interesting enough for other webmasters to link to.
  • Talk with business partners and ask them to link to your website.
  • Submit your website to online directories.
  • Join a local chamber of commerce and ask for a link from their website. Google puts a lot of trust into links that come and .gov domains.
  • Submit your articles to social websites such as, and
  • Join Better Business Bureau and get a link from their website.

Is Google Search Engine Optimization all About Links?

For the most part Yes. There must be keywords in page title, text, alt tags, H tags, image tags and other web elements, but it's fairly easy to optimize those (just do a little research). Find the keywords and put them throughout your website.

The tricky part is identifying keywords that will send interested traffic, which is willing to buy what you sell and making Google search engine optimization bring revenues long term for your business

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Freelance SEO Hyderabad

Guarantees: If you don't see results, we don't see the money

Offering SEO-guarantees is one of the biggest scams you can find in the SEO industry. It is not possible for any one to guarantee you a particular ranking on any search engine. We have studied the guarantees of several of our competitors and they are usually contaminated with one or more of the following:

• Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks for obscure / undefined set of keywords, your site would rank with anyways. However, since few people are searching with these keywords, you do not get any significant traffic to your site.
• Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks on obscure / unknown search engines with a small database, which do not get good traffic in the first place.
• Guarantees are appear sensible but are actually highly conditional, giving enough door to the SEO provider.
• The SEO provider is unavailable when you want to ‘encash’ their unconditional, money-back guarantees, often operating with fake addresses.
• Deploy unethical or search engine banned techniques, which may get your site ranked highly for a brief period but will eventually get your site banned from search engines permanently.

If you are coming across such guarantees, be cautious. Be very cautious. It is not possible to guarantee rankings on search engines. Google and most other search engines clearly state this on their website.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to Freelance SEO India is a India ( Hyderabad ) based Company, We work hard to provide you with top SEO services at a lower rate than most other SEO companies. Specialize in Website Optimization, SEO Optimization for our customers. These include Cheap SEO Services and other freelance work, affordable prices SEO Packages work for static’s and dynamics website.

Freelance SEO India is increases the quality and quantity of visitors to your website, improve the rate at which these visitors convert to customers significantly, and maximize your return on investment. Freelance SEO India has good experience will help you with our talented and updating SEO and Internet Marketing Services for your business. Your website will be achieve Top 10 Rankings in Google , Yahoo , MSN and Other Major Search Engines.

What the heck is SEO ?

SEO is the process and practice of optimizing your website so that it ranks well on search engine results pages (or SERPs). When someone types a word or phrase into search engines (like Google) looking for your product, you want to appear on the first or second page of the search results.

Why Search Engine Optimize ?

Everyday, millions of people search the web to find out what they look for. If your website doesn't come up top in the results, you lose your business to your competitors. SEO is important not only because it brings lots of visitors to your website, but also because it helps to increase the return on investment, if harnessed properly. Say for example, you have a website that sells mobile phones online. Optimizing the site for targeted keywords like 'low cost mobile phones' would bring it to the top results on popular search engines. This would in turn bring prospective customers to your site, which would result in higher sales.

Search engine Optimization Services:

Now days SEO services are considered as an essential part in internet market while you are developing any website today. This is why companies hire SEO companies to do SEO for them. So if you want to hire your SEO to a professional SEO Consultant in India, then why not prefer to contact Freelance SEO India. Our affordable SEO Packages are mostly focused promoting sites for successful results.

Manual Directory Submission:

Manual Directory Submission is one of the most important ways to build incoming links to a website from a related page. This can not only get your website a higher Google Page rank but also improve the SERP's. Manual Directory submissions is one of the best ways to promote your website and achieving good visibility in search engines. and we have a reliable list of 2500 of free & friendly directories. More Info.....

Link Building Services :Link building is an essential tool for a better SEO. Link building can increase the visibility of your website which can lure major search engines towards your website. If you plan a strategic link building then this can lead you to the top search page ranking faster than any other SEO services. In very simplistic terms, link building refers to the number and quality of the incoming links that are pointing to your site. More Info.....

Social Bookmarking (SBM):

We will create your own social media profile and promote it to all high traffic social media sites like digg, squidoo, mixx, . Creating proper profile on your product on these social networking sites will give you high visibility to your targeted traffic along with increment in highly visible links. More Info.....

We are an experienced SEO Services in India delivering the highest quality website promotion strategies, link building and search engine placement for Indian market and foreign market. Our (Freelance SEO India) SEO Experts research on your website, then performs keyword research, editing Linking Structure, checking pages densities, checking your back links and finding all latest ways for optimizing your website. We write or edit website content and design of your website attracts more and more customers and traffic.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Freelance SEO Services

Our Services (Freelance SEO Hyderabad)

Freelance SEO India provides you quality Search Engine Optimization and Link Building services at affordable costs. Our SEO experts carefully analyse your requirements and help you cut through the competition clutter and rank your website in top search engine positions.

If you avail our service (Freelance SEO Hyderabad), you get plum benefits. Our SEO professionals will provide you periodical updates and reports on your website's progress. We keep you informed on the performance of your website and satisfy all your SEO and SEM related requirements by following flawless organic SEO techniques, and affordable Best prices SEO Packages work for static’s and dynamics website.

Search engine Optimization Services:

On site optimization (Freelance SEO Hyderbad)

Onpage optimization is the process by which various elements on an individual web page are structured so that the web page can be found by the search engines for specific keyword(s) or keyword phrases.

> Homepage Optimization
> Meta tags placement
> Content fixing
> Manual Update to Optimized Content
> Fixing the text links
> Optimized Navigational Structure
> Site map for better crawling of your site
> Descriptive site map creation
> Link resource page creation
> Link exchange page creation
> Image Optimization
> SEO Copywriting
> Spell Checking
> HTML Validation Checking
> Browser Compatibility checking
> Website Load time checking
> Creation of robots file
> URL rewrite for Dynamic sites for better search engine crawling

Off site optimization (Freelance SEO Hyderabad)

Off-page optimization" means you have to work on building links to your website. To keep it as simple as possible you need to get many links to your site trying to have them from sites with a high page rank and related content.

> Manual submission to all major search engines
> Semi-automatic submission to more than 200 Search Engines
> Resubmission of sites to certain search engines if necessary
> Submission to important paid inclusion directories
> Yahoo Directory Inclusion
> Submission to Dmoz directory
> Submission to more than 500 free inclusion quality directories
> Re-optimization of site
>Reciprocal link building - 2way and 3way links
> Link Popularity through one way links
> Article Submission
> Newsletter Submission If Required
> Forum Posting If Required
> Blog submission If Required
> Social Bookmarking
> Classified Submission
> Press Religious

What does the report include? Page Analysis Report

> Keyword Density Report
> Competitor Analysis
> Search Term Suggestion Reports
> Keyword Analysis Report
> Link Popularity Report
> Search Engine Penetration Report
> Ranking Report
> Monthly Traffic Report
> Top Organic Listings Report

Our (Freelance SEO Hyderabad) Simple SEO Packages